For thousands of years society has been attracted to gold. A precious metal created from events we know so little of. Formed from the activity of stars it has become part of the foundation of not only our earth core but in relevant times ancient myths, religious beliefs, hopes of power, opportunity and far too often resulting in chaos and regretfully destruction over the years.

Gold is unique, it is incredibly durable, exists in limited unknown quantities which will never naturally tarnish, rust nor corrode, yet it is flexible and easy to manipulate to our vision or desire.

If present it is rarely hidden, often held aloft as a measure of achievement, the marker for excellence. It is revered in many cultures as being akin to God and many bow before it.

I am attracted to this seductive mineral …not its surface value as such but more so the energy, diversity, and contradiction it offers …or attracts.

Symbolism is often surface yet wisdom a continual question. Placement of both these considerations may sit side by side as equals, yet often, the dominance is given to the element of how we perceive and measure value, yet moments when little is said can often speak the loudest.

Presented in a form resembling a fort, cage or tomb constructed from steel and zinc, materials I’m drawn to, I have then layered the inner area with the finest 24ct loose leaf gold, a material often found in temples and palaces and which I’m equally drawn to.

If I stand the structure as we perceive it should be viewed, upright, then the gold is hidden, and I ask the viewer to believe it’s there, asking questions: ‘How do you know it’s there without seeing it?’ …faith. In viewing it and therefore knowing it was there would it give you greater reward or bring disappointment. Perhaps a conflict between imagination and knowledge, curiosity, or disinterest thereafter will occur. Materials society value very differently, including the placement and wealth associated. Will others believe you after seeing it if they haven’t done so themselves? Is it enticing to be part of only a few who have witnessed it allowing the ego to deem us special?

By laying the form on its side gives the suggestion of an accident yet it offers an intimacy and vulnerability by exposing its inner, and normally, hidden side.