The energy created in entwining these little pieces of decaying kelp offered not only an aesthetic that attracts me in the empty space around each piece, itself a new form, but also offered a suggestion of an intestinal digestive organ whose life had been sucked from it as it lay ashore.

In what we perceive as death I consider life continues to exist, often in an unseen form like the air we breathe itself.

Once I’d placed the kelp in an acrylic mould, I was willing to let go of absolute control of the final work and await any reaction which may take place by forces unseen and as only nature can offer. As the acrylic began to heat and cure a coat of crystal-like breath began to appear to the naked eye, as though these little dried fragile twigs of dehydrated kelp offered a final exhale as beautiful as only nature can present and which, in this final statement, allows us to now witness. This reaction informed us of a new purpose and form and of one which I like to think we all will face one day. The unknown can be frightening, it can likewise be beautiful.